When it comes to automobile accidents, those involving big rigs are among the most dangerous. There are many common types of truck accidents, including rear-end collisions, head-on collisions, sideswipe collisions, jackknife accidents, and rollover crashes. These accidents can cause serious injuries and even fatalities due to the size and weight of commercial trucks. Here’s what you should know about these common types of truck accidents and what you should do if you notice a truck losing control while driving.
5 Common Truck Accident Types
1. Rear-End Collisions
Rear-end collisions are one of the most common types of truck accidents. This type of accident occurs when a vehicle strikes another vehicle from behind. Rear-end collisions involving large trucks can be particularly devastating due to their size and weight. When a truck is involved in a rear-end collision at high speeds, it can cause significant damage to other vehicles as well as severe injuries or death for those inside them.
2. Head-On Collisions
Head-on collisions between two cars or trucks can be extremely dangerous and often result in serious injuries or fatalities. Head-on collisions occur when two vehicles traveling in opposite directions collide with each other. The force generated by two vehicles hitting each other head-on can be especially devastating when one of the vehicles is a large commercial truck due to its size and weight.
3. Sideswipe Collisions
Sideswipe truck accidents often occur when two vehicles, typically traveling in opposing directions, accidentally sideswipe one another or a vehicle attempting to pass them on the highway. The massive impact caused by such a collision can leave those in the vehicles severely injured and, in some cases, may even take a life.
4. Jackknife Accidents
A jackknife accident occurs when a tractor-trailer skids out of control due to improper braking or slippery road conditions and “jackknifes” so that it forms an angle rather than remaining parallel with the roadway. This type of accident is particularly dangerous because it can cause significant damage to surrounding cars as well as serious injury or death for any passengers involved in the crash.
5. Rollover Accidents
Rollover accidents occur when a vehicle tips over onto its side or roof while traveling along the roadway. Due to the height and weight of big trucks, they are more susceptible to tipping over during turns or sudden maneuvers than smaller passenger vehicles.
What You Should Do If You See a Truck Losing Control
The above-discussed common types of truck accidents all have the potential for serious injury or death for any occupants inside the other vehicle involved in the crash and onlookers nearby. Debris created by the collision or chemical spills that may occur afterward if hazardous materials were being transported by the commercial truck at the time of impact can make an accident that much worse.
If you ever find yourself in a situation where you notice a large truck losing control on the road, your best bet is to move away from it quickly and put as much distance between yourself and it as possible until help arrives on the scene. Additionally, if you have been injured in an accident with an 18-wheeler, hiring an experienced truck accident attorney is essential since they possess specialized knowledge about laws governing these complex crashes that will ensure you receive fair compensation for any damages caused by negligent parties involved in your case.
Truck Accident Attorneys in Winston-Salem
At Comerford Chilson & Moser, our team has handled cases involving tractor-trailers throughout North Carolina, and we are here to help you. Truck accidents can cause significant physical harm and financial losses due to their size and complexity compared to regular car accidents. An experienced attorney will know precisely how best to navigate these complex cases to ensure that you receive full compensation for your losses.
Contact us at (336) 568-8779 or submit our confidential form to schedule a free consultation. We will answer any questions you may have regarding your case. If your claim is accepted, we will begin reviewing your case's facts immediately.